Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Pasmo Art, hereinafter "Pasmo" and/or "Company", with fiscal address at: Emilio Castelar 221, Colonia Arcos Vallarta, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. ZIP: 44130. 
Issues this Privacy Notice so that the owner of the personal data, from now on called "Owner", is aware of the treatment that the Company gives to personal data. At Pasmo we care a lot about your privacy and keeping the personal information you share with us safe. We protect and safeguard the personal data of the Holder to avoid damage, loss, destruction, theft, loss, alteration, as well as unauthorized treatment, in compliance with the provisions of articles 8, 15, 16, 33, 36 and others related to the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.
Intent of the Privacy Notice
This Privacy Notice is made available to you with the intention of the Holder to be aware of the treatment that will be given to them, as well as the precise information to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition which are described below:
  • Right to access your personal data held by Pasmo, except for the cases mentioned in the Law.
  • Right to rectify your personal data when they are inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right at any time to cancel your personal data. Pasmo may deny the cancellation of the data in the terms established by the Law.
  • Right at all times and for legitimate reasons to oppose the treatment.
It is important to inform you that the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties protects your personal information from unauthorized use and without your consent, so this document will inform you of the information we collect from the Holder, for what and how. we use, the possible transfers to third parties, the purposes of data processing, your ARCO rights, as well as the revocation of your consent, which the Holder can assert before Pasmo with the aim of having full control and decision over your data personally. For this reason, we recommend that you read the following information carefully:This Privacy Notice is applicable to the Holders of Personal Data obtained directly, indirectly or personally by Pasmo, through processes of buying and selling products, contracts, letters, requests for information, as well as the different forms contained in the Company Website (hereinafter “Website” and/or “Website”) or any other means specified for such purposes, which refer to this Privacy Notice.
Personal information
Personal Data is provided through the creation of an Account or User Registration, and/or by submitting a contact request through the contact form on the customer service page. The Company collects personally identifiable information that is voluntarily provided by the User, or in response to explicit requirements by the Company.Information should be true and complete. The user will respond at all times for the data provided and in no case Pasmo will be responsible for the veracity of the same. The requested information is the following: Name, Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Transactions, Email Account, Telephone Number(s), Fiscal Data for Invoice Preparation, Bank Card Number, and Bank Account Identifiers . Pasmo does not request Sensitive Personal Data on the Website that it manages.
The User of the Company's Internet Page knows and accepts that the Company may use a tracking system through the use of cookies (the "Cookies").Cookies are data files that are stored on the hard drive of a user's computer equipment or electronic communications device when browsing an Internet site, which allows the exchange of status information between said site and the user's browser. Status information may reveal means of session identification, authentication or user preferences, as well as any data stored by the browser regarding the website.Cookies are used in order to know the interests, behavior and demographics of those who visit or are visitors to the Website and thus, better understand their needs and interests and give them a better service or provide related information. We also offer certain features that are only available through the use of Cookies.We will also use the information obtained through Cookies to analyze the pages browsed by the visitor or User, the searches carried out, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, display advertising or promotions, banners of interest, improve our offer of content and articles, personalize such content, presentation and services.Cookies are also used so that the User does not have to enter their password as frequently during a browsing session, also to record and corroborate the records, the User's activity and other concepts and commercial agreements, always with the objective of installing Cookies, the benefit of the User who receives it, and will not be used for other purposes outside the Company.It is established that the installation, permanence and existence of Cookies in the User's or visitor's computer depends on their exclusive will and can be removed from their computer whenever they wish. To know how to remove Cookies from the system, it is necessary to review the Help section of the browser. Also, Cookies or other similar systems installed by third parties can be found on certain pages of our Site. The Company does not control the use of Cookies by third parties.If you want more information about cookies, go to Company also uses Web Beacons at the time the user is using the Page. Web Beacons are visible or hidden images inserted into a website, which are used to monitor user behavior in these media, such as storing information about the user's IP address, duration of interaction time on said page and the type of browser used, among others.
The security and confidentiality of the data that users provide when contracting a service or buying a product online will be protected by a secure server under the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, in such a way that the data sent will be transmitted encrypted to ensure your safeguard.To verify that you are in a protected environment, make sure that an “S” appears in the “https”:// navigation bar. However, and despite having more secure tools every day, the protection of data sent over the Internet cannot be 100% guaranteed; Therefore, once received, everything possible will be done to safeguard the information. To ensure that personal data is treated in accordance with the provisions of the Law, Pasmo complies with the following principles:You will be informed of the purposes of the processing of your personal data, collecting only the data necessary for the fulfillment of these purposes and they will not be used other than that established in this privacy notice.Adequate maintenance will be carried out so that your personal data is correct and updated, in case it is necessary to keep your data it will be in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Law. Security measures have been implemented to ensure the protection of your personal data.
The Company's Database, where the information collected is stored, will keep the Information provided by the Owner saved and protected, despite the fact that they are modified, updated, or even canceled for any reason. The foregoing for the purpose of maintaining a History of the Holder and protecting its legal interests. The conservation of information indicated in this paragraph may be erased or eliminated in its entirety by exercising the ARCO Rights. To unsubscribe from our newsletters, please click on the following link found within our email messages: "Unsubscribe from this list".
Purposes of the Processing of Personal Data
Personal Information is collected and stored for purposes of identification and certainty of the User of the Website; Operation, management, shipment of goods, returns, billing, collection, administration, provision of our services; Delivery of notifications, requirements, letters or newsletters or attention to your requests related to the services we provide; Help complete a transaction or order that has been initiated on the Website; Analyze User behavior and demographics; Improve our commercial and promotional initiatives (marketing); Send information or messages about new products and/or services, information about our business leisure as well as any other information; Show advertising or promotions of interest to our Users; Transfer of information of the Holder in the applicable cases in accordance with the section "Transfer of Information with Third Parties" of this Notice; Prevencion or denunciation before different authorities of illegal acts or facts; Comply with the exercise of ARCO rights as well as revoke the consent of the Holder. With the above, the Company can provide an efficient service to the User.The purposes are necessary for the fulfillment of the obligations and the relationship with the Holder, that is, that the Company provides an efficient service to the User, this being the main obligation and that gave rise to the Legal Relationship between the Company and the User.The collection of information allows the Company to offer services and functionalities that are better suited to the needs of the User. It also allows the Company to send the User by different means and channels (including conventional mail or electronic mail, SMS, MSM, electronic notifications) offers of products and services that may be of interest to the User, in addition to fulfilling its obligations by these means.The Company reserves the right to request any proof and/or additional data in order to corroborate the personal data of each User, as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend those Users whose data could not be confirmed.The User acknowledges that the account or User Registration is personal, unique and non-transferable, and it is forbidden for the same User to register or have more than one account. In the event that the Company detects different accounts that contain matching or related data, it may cancel, suspend or disable them. The User will be responsible for all the operations carried out in his account, since access to it is restricted to the entry and use of his personal password, of exclusive knowledge of the User. In the event that the account is suspended, the Company will store the User's personal data, to the effect that the User and the Company will continue to be subject to what is stated in this Privacy Notice.In the event that the User's information at the time of registration is wrong or incomplete, making it impossible to verify and identify the User, the Company will have the right to immediately suspend the provision of the Services through the Website, without the need for prior notice, the User being responsible at all times for the losses and damages ultimately suffered.
The data of the Holders will be provided only by the Company in the forms established in this Privacy Notice. The Company will do everything in its power to protect the privacy of the information. It may happen that by virtue of court orders, or legal regulations, the Company is compelled to disclose information to the authorities or third parties under certain circumstances, or in cases where third parties may intercept or access certain information or data transmissions. in which case the Company will not be responsible for the information that is revealed. In these cases, the Company will notify the Holder about this situation.We do not assume any obligation to keep confidential any other information that the Holder provides through bulletins and online chats (chats), as well as the information obtained through cookies, information that has not been directly delivered to the Company.It should be clarified that the Holder's information is NOT sold, given away, facilitated or rented to any third party. If the user does not want his data to be shared, he can decide NOT to use a certain service or NOT to participate in some promotions or contests.The Company will take all possible measures to maintain the confidentiality and security described above, but will not be liable for damages that may arise from the violation of these measures by third parties that use public networks or the Internet, altering the systems of security to obtain access to the information of the Holders. The security violations that occur in any phase of the treatment that significantly affect the patrimonial or moral rights of the Holders, will be reported immediately by the Company to the Holder, so that the latter can take the corresponding measures to defend Your rights.
Transfer of Information with Third Parties
The Holder expressly authorizes the Company to keep the information provided by the Holder in its registry, also authorizes the Company to provide constant information about the aforementioned registry to (i) authorities that request it as permitted by current legislation and ( ii) to its strategic, commercial or ttechnical in order to offer better conditions for Promotions and/or User content. In addition, the User expressly allows the Company to collect information to monitor traffic, with the intention of identifying user groups and profiles, as well as for advertising targeting purposes.Data Transfers are for lawful purposes and in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties. The Company declares that it will not transfer any type of information of the Holder to national or foreign Third Parties. Otherwise, the Owner will be informed by publishing a new Privacy Notice. The foregoing in accordance with the provisions of article 36 of the Regulations of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.
Transfer in special circumstances
If there is a sale, merger, consolidation, change in corporate control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization or liquidation of the Company then we may transfer, or assign the information collected on this Website to one or more relevant parties, in addition to being obligated to issue a new Privacy Notice updated to the internal changes suffered.
Data Submission
The Company declares that it can communicate personal data of the Holder with the Manager, inside or outside the national territory in terms of the provisions of the law or the Regulation. The Manager is a natural or legal person, public or private, outside the organization of the Company, who alone or jointly with others, processes personal data on behalf of the Company, as a result of the existence of a legal relationship that links him with the Company. itself and delimits the scope of its action for the provision of a service. This remission of data is to comply with the purposes specified in the treatment, which are directly related to the fulfillment of the objects and contractual or non-contractual relations with the Company.The processing of data in this referral is subject to the following terms agreed between the company and the person in charge:Only treat personal data in accordance with the instructions of the Company; Refrain from processing personal data for purposes other than those instructed by the Company; Implement security measures in accordance with the Law, the Regulations and other applicable provisions; Maintain confidentiality regarding the personal data processed; Deleting the personal data subject to treatment once the legal relationship with the Company has been completed or by instructions from the Company, as long as there is no legal provision that requires the conservation of personal data; Refrain from transferring personal data.The exercise of the Holder of his ARCO rights or any other right indicated in the law or regulation, will be in accordance with this Privacy Notice
.Limit of use or disclosure of Personal Data
In order for the User to exercise their right to limit the use or disclosure of Personal Data, but with the intention of continuing to use the services provided by the Company, the user must express it by writing to the following email Said letter must contain the following:
  • The name of the owner and email where you receive the response.
  • Addressed to the Company.
  • Customer registration or account with the Company to prove your identity or the relationship you have with the Company.
  • The clear and precise description of the data you wish to limit its use or disclosure.
Pasmo will enjoy a period of 20 business days to answer and, where appropriate, execute the limitation of use. In said response, he will give the resolution and the possibility of carrying out what is requested in the Document, without prejudice to the possibility of exercising his other rights.
ARCO Rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition)
The Holder has the right, personally or through a Representative, to request the Company, at any time, access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, regarding the personal data that is stored in the Company's Database.The legal framework applicable to this request is found in Chapter IV of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data (articles 28 to 35), by Chapter VII Sections I to V of the Regulations of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data ( Articles 92 to 111), and by the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice Twenty-Fifth, Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-Ninth and Thirtieth.
  • The request must be in writing with the following requirements:
  • The name of the owner and address or other means to communicate the response to your request.
  • Documents proving identity (copy of voting card, for example) or, if applicable, the legal representation of the holder. Identifications must be Official.
  • The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which it is sought to exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to them.
  • If applicable, the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports your request.
  • Any other element that facilitates the location of personal data.
That the letter is addressed to the Company.The Request will be sent to the Committee or the Personal Data Officer through the email, and internally it will be sent to the person who receives and answers these requests.The Company will notify the Holder, through the email from which the request originates, within a period of 20 (twenty) business days from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, the determination adopted. The time the request is received is the time it entered our server.Once the answer has been sent within the indicated period, the Company will have 15 (fifteen) business days to execute the Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition of the personal data according to the request or similar rights.Pasmo asks the User to update their data each time they undergo any change, as this will allow them to provide an efficient and personalized service.When the data is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes set forth in this privacy notice and the applicable legal provisions, they must be canceled, blocked and deleted by the Ministry of Law.
Procedures for blocking and deleting personal data
Once the data has been cancelled, the Company will keep the Holder's personal data for another month, for clarification purposes and preparation for deletion. Once this period has expired, the Company will definitively delete the owner's personal data, not having the opportunity to locate or contact the owner, being eliminated from the database and any file related to the owner will be discarded. If the owner were to carry out another act with the company, he must initiate it as if the relationship had never existed. The foregoing, observing what is stated in the Privacy Policies for the purposes of conserving information by ministry of law or authority.Personal data that has fulfilled its purposes, but that cannot be canceled and deleted by law or contract, will be blocked from the purposes to which they were submitted, until it can be deleted. During this period, personal data may not be processed.
Children's privacy
Pasmo does not intentionally collect information from minors, so parents and guardians are recommended to carry out the activities of purchasing products or registering on the Website themselves. 
The User states that by using the page, the provision of their Personal Data, or the direct realization of contractual or non-contractual origin with Pasmo, they have already read this notice and consent to its provisions. The User consents to this Privacy Notice, in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.
Revocation of consent
Consent may be revoked at any time without retroactive effects being attributed to it. To revoke consent, the User must send a Request, which must be in writing with the following requirements:
  • The name of the owner and address or other means to communicate the response to the request.
  • Documents proving identity (copy of voting card, for example) or, if applicable, the legal representation of the holder.
  Identifications must be Official.
  • The clear and precise description of the link that the User has with the Company.
  • Provide the documentation that supports the User's request.
  • That the letter is addressed to the Company.
  • Verify that the relationship he maintains with the Company has ended.
The Company will issue a response in which it will confirm the revocation of consent, or where appropriate, will indicate the reasoning depending on the specific case, with the company having 15 days to issue this response. The deadlines will be counted from the moment the mail enters the Pasmo server. Any subsequent request to the one mentioned in the previous paragraph will have the same effect as an initial one, the User and the Company being obliged to the same terms indicated above. The Request will not be valid if the above is omitted.
Modifications to the privacy notice
The Company, as well as the User, acknowledge that this Privacy Notice is of unlimited validity. However, the Company will endeavor to keep this Notice up to date.Pasmo reserves the right to make, at any time, changes to these Privacy Policies and adapt them to new legislation, jurisprudence, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products, as well as market practices. It is the responsibility of the User to periodically read the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice to be aware of said modifications, which, when introduced on the Website, will automatically come into force. The Reforms to the Privacy Notice will be made known to the User through a notice on the Home Page of the Company's Website.
Exclusion of liability 
The Website may contain links, hyperlinks or hypertext "links", banners, buttons and/or Internet search tools that, when used by users, transport to other Internet portals or sites that may be owned by third parties. Pasmo does not control said sites nor is it responsible for the Privacy Notices that they hold, the personal data that users may provide through these portals or Internet sites other than the Website, which must be verified in the Privacy Notice in every site you access.In addition, the Company may provide social media features on the Website that allow you to share information on the Website with your social networks and to interact with Mooni on various social media sites. The use of these functions may imply that information about the Holder is collected or shared, which will depend on each specific function. We recommend that you review the settings and privacy policies of social media sites with which you interact with those sites.
Final provisions
This document is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Pasmo Site, which constitutes a legal agreement between the User and the Company. If the User uses the services of the Pasmo Site, it means that he has read, understood and agreed to the terms set forth above.If you agree to have read this Privacy Notice and do not express your opposition to your personal data being processed or transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it. This Privacy Notice will be governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Mexico. If the User considers that their rights regarding the protection of personal data have been violated, they have the right to go to the corresponding authority to defend their exercise. The authority is the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), its website is:
Date of last updateIt is notified that the Privacy Notice was modified on November 16, 2022.