Viktor Torres

Lives and works in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Viktor’s work inhabitates an experimental language, primarily focusing on painting, sculpture, installation, media and graphic arts, as a medium of expression, spontaneous, explosive, overwhelming and above all, colorful. Viktor’s body of work transits with fluidity and in constant change, while his work offers clear and knowable visual characteristics as an identity, he finds impossible to approach a repetitive speech or a certain technical formula. A person of ideas and unstable imagination, he offers reflection on every piece. Producing in his city of Guadalajara studio, he seeks for an artistic labor that offers self-peace, as well as truce with time itself. Viktor is a byproduct of a virtual generation, from which he gets feedback thus him considering that everything his eyes consume directly affects his works aesthetics. It is also interesting to see how his work is usually loaded with images and objects that posses a certain nostalgic feel, thus once being the origin of this new life form, inter- connected and digital.

“I identify myself with color before any solid or physical form”